John's JavaScript Graphics (for IE)

A demonstration of the ability to create programmable graphics using Javascript, prior to Canvas element - Yes, it is possible, at least in IE...
Includes coding of highly efficient line, circle, and ellipse algorithms. Also some javascript complex math functions, and symmetric icons as demos.
This page is now very dated, the new Canvas elements eliminates the need for most of this style JS graphics programing.

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John's Science, Math, Philosophy Stuff:
The Science Realm: John's Virtual Sci-Tech Universe
| 4-Vectors | Ambigrams | Antipodes | Covert Ops Fragments | Cyrillic Projector | Forced Induction (Sums Of Powers Of Integers) | Frontiers | IFS Fractals | JavaScript Graphics | JavaScript Graphics Using Table | Kid Science | Kryptos | Photography | Prime Sieve | QM from SR | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap | Quantum Phase | Quotes | RuneQuest Cipher Challenge | Secret Codes & Ciphers | Scientific Calculator | Science+Math | Sci-Pan Pantheist Poems | Stereograms | Turkish Grammar

Welcome to Quantum Reality: Virtual worlds of imaginary particles: The dreams stuff is made of: Life, the eternal ghost in the machine...
This site is dedicated to the quest for knowledge and wisdom, through science, mathematics, philosophy, invention, and technology. 
May the treasures buried herein spark the fires of imagination like the twinkling jewels of celestial light crowning the midnight sky...

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See QM from SR-Simple RoadMap

***Learn, Discover, Explore***

Melike Wilson Art

Site last modified: 2015-Apr-25

The following features are fully functional, programmable, JavaScript graphics, using a JavaScript html <table> with background colors dynamically set for each individual cell.
You can do a "view source" to see the code.  It is pretty easy to modify for your own purposes.
I have placed several example buttons below to demonstrate the available features.
As you can see, it is possible to have more than one graphics table per page, although it starts getting painfully slow when you make big graphs (ex. 120x120+ cells)
For the highest resolution, use a pixel size value of 1

This is a small (33x21), low-rez (pixel size=4) graph named 'G1'

This is a med-size (80x80), med-rez (pixel size=2) graph named 'G2'

Show Icons from "Symmetry In Chaos", Field & Golubitsky --see also
If you don't mind waiting on the load, (i.e. don't abort the script), set the 'G2' graph to about 320x320 & pixel size 1 - the icons look quite a bit better
(push every so often to enhance detail)
If you have a comment about this site, or just want to say 'hi', please email John.

The Science Realm: John's Virtual Sci-Tech Universe
John's Science & Math Stuff: | About John | Send email to John
4-Vectors | Ambigrams | Antipodes | Covert Ops Fragments | Cyrillic Projector | Forced Induction (Sums Of Powers Of Integers) | Fractals | Frontiers |
JavaScript Graphics | Kid Science | Kryptos | Photography | Prime Sieve | QM from SR | QM from SR-Simple RoadMap | Quantum Phase | Quotes |
RuneQuest Cipher Challenge | Scientific Calculator | Secret Codes & Ciphers | Science+Math | Sci-Pan Pantheist Poems | Stereograms | Turkish Grammar |

Quantum Mechanics is derivable from Special Relativity
See QM from SR-Simple RoadMap